(c) D.M.BROAD. 19/2/89. ======================= low resolution plot mode for the commodore c16/+4 intro.seq appears to be corrupt. plot.asm was previously corrupt but was found to be readable on an older c1541! this tool utilises the block characters on the commodore character map to create a simple 80x50 resolution display. it was published in a magazine but I can't remember which and they never notified me about it in any case. It may have been your commodore in the latter part of 1989. the machine code plot routines: LOAD "PLOT.BIN",8 RUN some instructions (data files appear slightly corrupt): LOAD "TYPEOUT.BAS",8 RUN demos of the plot routines (basic): LOAD "DEMO1.BAS",8 RUN LOAD "DEMO2.BAS",8 RUN LOAD "DEMO3.BAS",8 RUN LOAD "DEMO4.BAS",8 RUN